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  4. Capture dynamic content with the wrapper

Capture dynamic content with the wrapper

With the wrapper, page impressions can be measured even without the explicit call of a website (such as dynamic content in single page applications).

Installation of the wrapper

The wrapper is delivered with the standard JavaScript code of Signalize and can be implemented like this:

					<script type="text/javascript">function testCall(pagename){et_eC_Wrapper({et_et: accountkey1, et_pagename: pagename});}</script>

The function “testCall” can then be called via any JavaScript event. For the above code example this would mean:


The wrapper function can also be called directly – without the TestCall function – as follows:

					onmousedown="et_eC_Wrapper({et_et: accountkey1, et_pagename: Index-Seite});"

To avoid that the call of the wrapper function by the blocked code, e.g. by exclusion from the count, does not lead to a JavaScript error, it is important to use the following function:

					if(typeof(_etracker) === "object") { et_eC_Wrapper(…);}

Parameters of the wrapper

The first parameter of the function must contain the account key 1 of the account. The second parameter contains an optional JavaScript object with the following optional variables

et_pagenameStringPage nameUnique name of the page.
et_areasStringArea nameName of the page area

All object variables are optional. If they are not explicitly set, the values specified in the parameter block of the Signalize Code are used.

The following call generates the same data as the original call via the Signalize Code:

					<script type="text/javascript">et_eC_Wrapper('Account-Key 1');</script>

Example of a complete call:

					<script type="text/javascript">et_eC_Wrapper({et_et: accountkey,et_pagename:'Landingpage',cc_attributes:{"Attributename1":"Attributevalue1","Attributename2": ["Attributevalue2a", true]},});</script>