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How to use Safari macOS

Unfortunately, sending push notifications to Safari desktop users does not work “out of the box”.

To enable these users to receive push notifications, you need to create an individual certificate via your Apple Developer Account. Activation takes place with the help of a website Push ID that also needs to be generated.

Requirements: An Apple Developer Account.

And this is how it’s done:

Step 1:

Log in to your Signalize account and go to Settings → Certificates → Apple Safari. Click on Download Certificate Signing Request (CSR).

Step 2:

Log in to the Apple Developer portal with your Apple ID and go to Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles.

Step 3:

Assign a new Website Push ID under the menu item Identifiers via the plus symbol.

Under Description you can choose a name for your website Push ID. For example, for the Identifier, use your domain with the Signalize suffix: web.de.mydomain.signalize. Click on Continue

and finally on Register.

Step 4:

Select the Website Push ID you just created in the menu item Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles and then click Create Certificate.

Start the Certificate Signing Request (CSR) via Choose File.

Now select the certificate request you just created.

Click Continue to create the certificate.

Download the certificate (.cer) by clicking on Download.

Step 5:

Upload your certificate in .cer format directly in Signalize: Settings → Certificates→ Apple Safari. The certificate will be checked by us during the upload. You also need to upload an image (e.g. your logo), which will appear by default in your Safari push messages. Please note that this image cannot be changed for each new message, as it is the case with other push types.

There are three ways to upload your default image:

  1. upload image
  2. enter URL
  3. copy default image


Now your Safari desktop users will also receive the opt-in dialog you’ve already configured and can sign up for push notifications.
