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Quickstart Google Tag Manager

Google Tag Manager

Proceed as follows:

1. Sign in to the Google Tag Manager using the email and password of your Google account: https://www.google.com/intl/de/tagmanager/

2. In order to add a tag with your Signalize code to your container, click on “Add a new tag“

then click on “Tag Configuration“

And finally choose following tag type: “User-defined HTML tag“

Tick the check box beside “support document.write”.
To be able to generate the tag, it is now necessary to select a trigger. Confirm it by pressing “Save”.

3. Add a trigger rule for “All pages”. Copy the Signalize code from the application under Settings → Setup/Signalize code, add it to the HTML window and customise it to your website by assigning the variables from your data layer to the JavaScript variables of the Signalize code (see Signalize Code Integration in Websites and Portals). Finally click on “Save”.

4. Click on “Publish“ in order to provide the website with the container with the tag.