Your direct line to the customer

Communicate in a more contemporary way with web, app and wallet push messages.

Delight your customers with targeted news and campaigns.

The perfect complement for your marketing communication

Design ohne Titel

Like WhatsApp news, but without
expensive fees

Design ohne Titel-2

Like Instagram posts, but visible
directly on the display


Like email, only cooler, easier and
more often sendable

Maximum reach and attention for your messages

Send directly to all popular browsers and devices in a flash:

→ Android Smartphones (via web & app push)

→ iPhones (via wallet & app push)

→ Desktop PCs (via web push)

→ Mac computer (via web push)

Create in Seconds

Increase customer engagement as simple as 1-2-3

Add Text And Image, define Target Audience, Bild hinzufügen, Set Delivery Options

Automation & Retargeting

Take action to the behaviour of your users and increase success with follow up or drip campaigns, for example in the case of abandoned shopping carts, prolonged inactivity or logging in.


Target your recipients with messages that are relevant to them. Base your targeting on the usage of your website or information from your CRM.

Fast Time-to-Market and
minimal IT effort

Installation and set-up in a matter of minutes!
With these plugins it´s even more of a breeze:

JTL Shop

What our customers say

Deutscher Anwaltverlag
Deutscher AnwaltverlagThorsten Thierbach
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Promoting our customers efficiently and GDPR compliant is extremely important to us. With Signalize Push Messages this is possible – and also fun!
Berater für Online- und Social Media Marketing (RTL)
Berater für Online- und Social Media Marketing (RTL)Felix Beilharz (Dipl. jur. oec)
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I was very positively surprised how successfully Web Push is accepted. The opt-in rate is impressive. And the click rate even more so. For me, Signalize has become not only an integral part of my own marketing mix, but also a regular recommendation in my seminars.
KONTOR4 GmbHDirk Pache
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„Push Notifications - Jeez, another new bandwagon for online marketing." Those were actually my thoughts as we got to grips with the subject. But: After we implemented Signalize and looked at the data after a few days - I didn't want to know anything more about my original skepticism. Finanzportal AG Finanzportal AGMarkus Schmidhuber
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The push news from Signalize is a great thing! It allows us to inform our visitors quickly and easily. And we are quite positively surprised at how well this service is received.
Steven Nicolosi
Steven NicolosiLindner Hotels AG
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Thanks to "Signalize", especially in the Corona era, we are able to provide both corporate and private customers with up-to-date and targeted information about offers and developments by sending short push messages. In this way we strengthen customer loyalty and create a high level of customer satisfaction even in these times.
backenmachtgluecklich.deJan Runge
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With push notifications from Signalize, we generate impressive opt-in rates, especially with our mobile target group, and can build visitor loyalty in a modern and sustainable way. What makes Signalize special in comparison to other push notification providers are (in addition to the above-average opt-in rates and CTRs) the amazing automation options, the personal support, and the GDPR compliance. Push notifications from Signalize have become a key component in our reader communication.
Dance 3 Entertainment | Dalhoff & Moritz GbR
Dance 3 Entertainment | Dalhoff & Moritz GbR Jan-Niklas Moritz
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With Signalize, it's also possible for young companies like us to get and stay in touch with customers via innovative push messages in a way that was long the preserve of big companies with native apps. We can thus reach the guests of our new Colour ME! event series quickly, easily and, above all, unmissably exactly where they predominantly obtain their information - on their smartphone. Thanks to the intuitive user interface, appealing push messages can be created, sent automatically and evaluated in no time at all, not only for the various browsers, but also as wallet push messages.
NordwestLotto Schleswig-HolsteinCarolin Schlicht
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With Signalize, we have found a new communication channel that has significantly increased both, traffic on our site and conversions. Signalize enables us to inform our customers quickly and easily. The Signalize team has been very supportive and advising us from the very beginning.
Schmidt TIVOLISebastian Kähler
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Signalize makes it possible for us to communicate news to our users in no time.

Independently audited TTDSG and
DSGVO compliance

Storage exclusively on
servers within the EU.

No personal data required
for push reception.

Test Signalize now!

No credit card required.