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Signalize Account Management

Manage all Signalize accounts in a single place

Each Signalize account is bound to a specific web presence in order to assign registrations to the push service correctly and to deliver the messages properly.

But does this mean that companies with (international) subsidiaries, customers with many websites or agencies that manage the push marketing for different web presences always have to log into the respective account individually?

Of course not. Several Signalize accounts can be managed comfortably via the Account Management. Per single sign-on you can access all accounts and get an overview of your accounts. Multiple Signalize accounts can also be linked concerning licensing and centrally billed.

Only an agency or main etracker account is required for this.


  • Company-wide use across several websites or as
  • central agency account for customer care and for invoicing of profit-sharing

Your advantages:

  • Manage multiple accounts with one login
  • All (customer) accounts always in sight
  • Access the relevant account directly with a single click and manage notification campaigns or adjust settings
  • Data changes such as new contact persons or changes of address are possible at any time

Interested in the etracker account management for Signalize?

Just write an email to: moin@signalize.com.