Voucher marketing with Signalize

Voucher marketing is an important part of the marketing mix in B2C commerce. No wonder that sending vouchers via push notifications is efficient and popular.

But if you deal with vouchers too inflationary, you run the risk that they lose their appeal, customers are educated to be bargain hunters and margins are lost unnecessarily. As with many other things, the correct dosage and procedure is important when using vouchers. Therefore, it is important to think about the basic objectives in advance.

With these tips and tricks for using voucher codes in notifications you will ensure maximum response from your recipients.

Increase Opt-Ins

Vouchers have proven their worth in increasing newsletter distribution. However, they can also provide an additional incentive for visitors to give their consent to receive push notifications.

Winning new customers

Vouchers can be used specifically to acquire new customers. A discount can ensure that previously uncertain prospectives decide to make a purchase.

Saving conversions

Just as vouchers can help to persuade visitors to make their first purchase, they are also a proven means of encouraging further purchases and are a particularly effective way of reacting to abandoned shopping baskets, cancellations after more intensive research or exiting the checkout.

Retain valuable customers

Reward your existing customers with vouchers and thus show them appreciation; this increases loyalty. Vouchers can also be used immediately after a purchase to encourage a new purchase.

Win back customers

It is often much easier to reactivate former or inactive customers than acquiring new ones. Here vouchers often represent an incentive, too.

Targeting bargain hunters

Some customers react more strongly to discounts than others. If the navigation area “Sale” appears high up in their visitor profile, this is a clear sign of bargain affinity. Similarly, eCommerce tracking can be used to determine whether articles are price-reduced. For example, it is possible to segment according to the preference of this product characteristic in the visitor profile.

A voucher code that stays

If you send notifications with coupon codes, the challenge is that the notification disappears as soon as recipients click on it. This means that the code displayed in the notification disappears forever. If the customer has not memorized the code, it is likely to frustrate him or her and the desired effect of the voucher is more likely to be detrimental. Therefore, we recommend using voucher plugins for your shop, which display the matching voucher in the shop via overlay when users call the shop with the corresponding link.

Alternatively, a voucher code can be displayed using etracker Optimiser. In addition, a sticky or message bar with the corresponding code can be displayed at the top of the screen for visitors who access the website via a voucher notification. Now the customer can shop in peace and transfer the code at the appropriate point in the checkout process.