Howto: Displaying the opt-in dialogue manually

In addition to the option of automatically displaying the opt-in dialogue after a certain period of time, the dialogue can also be triggered manually. The prerequisite for this is that the Signalize code is installed and the display of the dialogue on all pages of the domain is blocked in the Signalize options:

(1) Call for the native opt-in dialogue

You can call the browser’s native opt-in dialogue with the following script command:


You can now place this call on a button or a link, for example, and thus set up a registration page for push notifications, as known from newsletters or WhatsAapp distributors. Or you can integrate the query directly into a registration process.

An example text link can look as follows:

					<a href="#" onmousedown="et_signalize.enableNativePushOptIn();">Yes, I would like to receive push notifications</a>

(2) Call for the dialogue with the subdomain

For calling the opt-in dialogue with a subdomain, the following function is available:

					et_getPopUpTexts = function() {
return {
'title': 'eigener Titel',
'message': 'eigene Text',
'icon': 'Eigenes Bild. URL oder base64'

The pop-up illustrates where the passed texts are:

In addition to the automatic display of the opt-in dialogue via Signalize or via the etracker Optimiser with manual triggering, you have a variety of options for when and how the opt-in dialogue is displayed. In this way, you can adapt the query of potential subscribers precisely to your needs.

(3) Call for the native opt-in dialogue with the call-to-action button

A call-to-action button is also available as a call for the native opt-in dialogue. It only needs to be copied and integrated into the corresponding position in the source code. You can find this under Settings → Opt-In → Web Push → Style Dialog → Call-to-Action Button.

For your inspiration, we have compiled a few examples of the integration of this function:

Integration as a contact option:

Integration as a page element: