Happy Birthday GDPR!

Signalize has good reason to celebrate, too.

In keeping with the two-year anniversary of the GDPR, an independent audit not only re-certified our compliance with the GDPR, but also confirmed once again that no separate consent is required for setting etracker cookies when using Signalize.

After an extensive audit by ePrivacy, the joint conclusion from a technical and legal expert opinion states:

„[…] Since cookies required for the desired service [Signalize] are only set by default if you agree to receive notifications, there is no separate cookie consent obligation.“

For our products etracker Analytics and etracker Optimiser, it has also been confirmed once again that consent does not need to be obtained for either tracking or cookies, provided that the standard etracker Cookie-less mode is used and no other cookies are set:

„[…] On the basis of our detailed examination, we consider it justifiable to legitimize the data processing at etracker Analytics and etracker Optimiser also with regard to the DSK paper from March 2019 and the ECJ ruling of 01.10.2019 by the legal basis of Art. 6 Para.1 lit.f) GDPR (legitimate interests). In cookie-less mode (standard mode), the use of etracker Analytics is legal without any obligation to give consent.“

We have thus been awarded the ePrivacyseal EU for all our products. If that is no reason to celebrate!

You can also party with us and use etracker in compliance with data protection regulations and in cookie-less mode without the obligation to give consent. This will not only increase the trust and loyalty of your valuable visitors in your website, but also your data treasure.